January 1, 2017

New day. New Year, New Chapter!

For the last years of my life, I always start with – I want to lose 10 lbs….this is the first year that I can truly say the quest for abs didn’t make the list.

For my new chapter aka the New Year, I decided that these are the things I would like to focus on:

  1.  Be fit.  Be Athletic. Be Strong.
  2. Sleep more
  3. Be more social in real life and not on the phone
  4. Read Daily
  5. Meditate Consistently
  6. Stretch more
  7. Keep my diet clean as possible without depriving myself
  8. Practice daily gratitude
  9. Laugh more

These all seem easy but they really aren’t.  Every day will be a new page, a new chance to work on these  goals.  I am working on my race schedule, but if my Dystonia and my batteries work in my favor, I plan on running the Lululemon Half in Vancouver and the NYC marathon.  2017 is about less races and more quality training.  It is less about the race bling and more about the effort and the bucket list races.  I am always evolving into a better me and I am about to embark on an even bigger adventure, announcement soon!

So in 2017, it is less about “Dystonia Sucks” and more about appreciating the life that I was given, the life that I lead and those that I inspire through being me.  I truly believe that if I was “normal”, I would be a different me, but you know what after a long, long road, I have come to appreciate and enjoy this me!

To writing your new chapter!